Apply to Programs

Who can apply?

Any male over the age of 18, serving a sentence in a Canadian federal prison. Canadian citizens serving a sentence in the USA, who wish to be considered, must transfer to a Federal Institution in Canada. The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton accepts Day Parole, Full Parole, Statutory Release, Long Term Supervision Orders and Unescorted Temporary Absences. The applicant must be stable in regards to mental health symptoms and medications. Clinton House CRF is accessible, however the applicant must be independent in that they are able to care for themselves, including hygiene, utilizing mobility aids, and eating independently. Referrals may be initiated by the individual, physicians, service providers, and/or the criminal justice system. We strongly encourage that applicants have a strong rationale for applying for a release to Hamilton such as family/friend support in the area or confirmed employment or school.

The SLSH Application process

  1. Individuals interested in applying are encouraged to mail a letter to the Intake Coordinator at 73 Robert Street, Hamilton, Ontario, L8L 2P2. After which an application will be mailed to the interested individual. Alternatively, the application can be downloaded at the link below. The same application is used for both Hamilton Community Residential Facilities.  
  2. The applicant should mail the application to The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton Administration Office located at 73 Robert Street, Hamilton, Ontario, L8L 2P2. The applicant is encouraged to also include a letter outlining their release plans (short and long term goals for work, school, volunteering, family, and leisure). The back of the application pages can also be used. We encourage the applicant to send copies of support letters (from employers, school, family and friends).
  3. As soon as possible, a representative of The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton will visit the applicant in person. The applicant is encouraged to continue to inform the representative of any changes to their release plans, changes of institution, and any behavioural concerns.
  4. At a point before the applicant’s release, the applicant will meet with their Parole Officer and start working on a Community Assessment / Strategy. 
  5. Once the Community Assessment / Strategy has been submitted, the Community Assessment Team (consisting of The St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton representatives, Hamilton Parole Office and the Police), will meet to discuss the applicant’s case. Following that meeting the decision will be made to:   
  • Support for: Unescorted Temporary Absences and / or Day Parole, Full Parole, Statutory Release or Long Term Supervision Order
  • Deny support
  • Unable to make a decision due to incomplete information (such as programming)


The Institution Parole officer will inform the applicant of the result.

Download Your Application To Get Started

Family, friends or supports of a person who meets the above criteria can download the application below and mail it to them for the applicant to complete.